Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Final Movie

Images from movie

100 Words

My original model was a shere shape and to develop it I cut it down in stages and took a section from the core of the model to develop further. My model has been futher developed through looking at mechanical engineering pictures and my final model used was inspired by these pitures. I have used a mix between a carbon fibre texture and a gem texture on my model.
During my video, I would like parts of my model to rotate in different directions and at different speeds. I would like to have a part of my model changing scale. I would like the camera to go through the middle of my model to show the detail in the centre.

Final renders

First renders

Final model

(96dpi 811kb)

Development of model

(96dpi 884kb)

(96dpi 429kb)

 (96dpi 839kb)

Developmental drawings

 (300dpi 2115kb)

 (300dpi 1475kb)

 (300dpi 1175kb)

 (300dpi 3642kb)

Inspirational images

(96dpi 10kb)
 (72dpi 15kb)

 (300dpi 40kb)

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Final entourage datum

(72dpi - 709kb)

Final entourage figure ground

(72dpi - 352kb) 

Final entourage contrast

(72dpi - 532kb)

Final entourage composition/proportion

(72dpi - 291kb)

Final entourage rhythm/repetition

(72dpi - 410kb)

Final entourage hierarchy

(72dpi - 528kb)

Final entourage symmetry/asymmetry

(72dpi - 774kb)

Hierarchy initial 3D model revised

(300dpi - 1.4mb)

Datum initial 3D model revised

(300dpi - 360kb)

Figure ground 3D model revised

(300dpi - 2.2mb)

Contrast 3D model revised

(300dpi - 1.8mb)

Composition/proportion 3D model revised

(300dpi - 2.1mb)

Rhythm/repetition 3D model revised

(300dpi - 2.1mb)

Symmetry/asymmetry 3D model revised

Revised model
(300dpi - 2.3mb)

(300dpi - 3.5mb)

Initial 3D models

(72dpi - 53kb)

(72dpi - 188kb)

Figure ground
(72dpi - 213kb)

(72dpi - 98kb)

(72dpi - 53kb)

(72dpi - 139kb)

(72dpi - 123kb)

Monday, 28 March 2011

3D drawings

Figure ground 3D
(300dpi - 176kb)

Rhythm/repetition 3D
(300dpi - 201kb)

Composition/proportion 3D
(300dpi - 225kb)

Hierarchy 3D
(300dpi - 197kb)

Contrast 3D
(300dpi - 197kb)

Symmetry/asymmetry 3D
(300dpi - 225kb)

Datum 3D
(72dpi - 123kb)